Thursday, July 06, 2006

We've moved!

Phaeton Place has moved about 3,000 feet across the road to Sam's Town Casino Campground. Hollywood had a 14 day limit and if you weren't gambling a LOT of money, they wouldn't let you stay longer. So, the campground over there is almost empty tonight, but they are happy that they are empty and not getting $$ per night for campers. Figure that one out.

Actually we have a much nicer site over here and we just came in from outdoors and had not been bothered by mosquitos while we were out. That was a problem over at Hollywood. They had a retention pond and a stagnant pond right next to the building. Then the Resorts casino right next to the Hollywood is actually on a barge with a moat around it. The moat is really nasty and stagnant and we figure a lot of the mosquitos were coming from those sources.

We spent most of the morning making the move and got settled in this afternoon. No need to do anything else. It was a beautiful day today. . . not too hot and we were able to sit out under the awning for most of the day.

We are going to be here through Monday night and then try to move to a campground on the east side of Memphis while I finish out my treatments. That way we are a couple hours further up the road when we leave at the end of next week.

When we leave here we are headed for Indianapolis and Terry's doctor appointments. They are going to check his progress since they changed a couple of his meds. He is doing extremely well and we are pleased it is all going so well.

We are making plans to attend the fall Escapade in September. It is in Van Wert, Ohio. We have also signed up for a few days before the Escapade at the Celina, Ohio, fairgrounds. Hope to meet up with some more of the Class of 2005 as well as RV Notebook fans.

Things continue to go well and we are enjoying the quiet time here in the south.

Till next time. . .



Richard Pillers n Shirley Talley said...

I'm glad things are going well. Tell Terry hi and stay healthy and you too.


Silverback said...

Greetings from England.

Glad to read the health update on you both. Been reading your blog for a month or so now - ever since I started mine - as I wanted to follow the 'adventures' of a pair of fulltimers like yourselves.

I spend 6 months over in the US and had my own TT until I let my friends trade it in and upgrade to a 5th Wheel. Can't wait to go over again in 3 weeks time and see it for real.

Great blog.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear all the good health news. We're still in No. Cal. caregiving an elder parent. We have no idea how long we'll be here but we're still in our MH which is good.

Take care of yourselves. I'll be reading along as I'm in withdrawal from "road stories" of our own.

Happy Trails!

Dale said...


Thanks. We are back from my last acupuncture treatment for the week. Terry and the boyz are sleeping and I am blogging. Hah.


Thanks for dropping by. I just got finished reading some of your blog. I have some catching up to do. My son lives on the Space Coast in Florida and just watched the shuttle launch on the 4th. It's his second launch.


Susan and Jack,

We took care of Terry's mom for 4 years. She was in a nursing home, but we were there every weekend and it was a 3 1/2 hour drive one way. I know it wasn't easy for her, but it was rough for us, especially with Terry's health. But it is all behind us now and we don't regret spending that time with her.

Good luck.
