Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rainbow's End

We arrived at Rainbow's End in Livingston, Texas, on Friday and will be leaving here Monday. We are headed to Austin tomorrow as Brandon, our son, will be arriving there shortly before noon. He is there on business for his company, Novell; and since we were nearby (heh heh), we thought we would mosey on over and spend at least an evening or two with him. I am anxious to see him. It's always good to see your kids. Our two live in different states, 800 miles apart, so it's not easy to see them. But it is wonderful that our children are doing well with their lives and getting along "without mom and dad," living independently and enjoying themselves, their family and friends.

We have been checking out the local food establishments in Austin to see what is really good. If any of you readers can recommend a good restaurant, let me know. We plan on going to "The Salt Lick" one night as it was recommended by some fellow campers at Kinder.

We are in the Escapees park in Livingston. This is a really big place, but it isn't all campground. A good portion of the lots are deeded lots and apparently you are allowed to build anything you want on your lot. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of restrictions. We are in an area that hasn't seen a lawn mower for quite some time. Neal is having a lot of trouble walking in the tall fescue. I put the dogs' mat out, but with the really long grass, it looks and acts like a feather mattress for them to walk on. There really isn't much definition to the campsites, no pad to park on, etc. I am surprised that it isn't maintained better. I went to do laundry and it wasn't what I expected. The floor needed mopping and the trash can was overflowing. There were lots of magazines that had been dumped there and apparently one person never came to pick up their clothing. A pile of clothing had been folded and was laying in the corner of the folding table. There were no roller carts like one normally sees in laundromats. There is another area for campers where we had stayed before and I would have asked for that if I had seen this site before we got back here. Just not what I expect from a business which is supposed to be for the RVer and particularly from the park which is their national headquarters. This is the second time we have been here and things have not changed in those 4 years. There are some properties here for sale and for big prices, too; but I wouldn't want to live here.

Yesterday we went out 190West and drove around Lake Livingston a bit. It is a very large lake and it was a beautiful day. Today we are watching the race and getting some housecleaning done.

Till next time. . .



Anonymous said...

Thanks for that report. We had considered going through there and staying at the Rainbow park on our way south in a few weeks, but we may take our second "choice" instead. Travel safe.

Anonymous said...

Like you, we were disappointed when we stayed there in '06. Not at all what we expected. We stayed in the front section by the road. Didn't look as bad as the back section.


Dale said...

I don't think there is an ongoing improvement plan.