Friday, December 21, 2007

House Hunting in Melbourne!

Well, that about sums it up! That's all we've done since we got here, besides a little Christmas shopping for each other. We already went to the bank and Brandon is pre-approved for a loan. That was easy. All those lectures about saving/spending money with a goal seemed to have worked. We have been searching on the internet for houses in specific areas with his required features. Then we print out the data sheets, color code them, then Terry plots them on his Delorme Street Atlas program and we print out the maps. Then we plan our route and do drive-bys. Many we have elminated that way. Once the weekend gets here, Brandon will go with us and we will show him ones we think are "worthy" of visiting in person. It seems to be working this way, but man, oh man, am I tired of it already. So today, I will be calling a real estate agent and telling her what we are looking for and give her a couple we would like to go through.

Things are really quiet here in Enchanted Lakes. A lot of people here work, so they are gone every day. Not a lot of mixing around like you get in our park in Texas. They do have activities here, but we are pretty busy at the moment. They are some really pretty Christmas decorations which I will have to get pictures of and post, so check back later tonight or tomorrow.

Daughter Jocelyn, hubby Tom and grandson Ronan and grand-dog Jericho are headed down here today from Virginia. They are going to Lake Worth, about 2 hours south to spend Christmas with Grandma Mary, Tom's grandmother. I have never met her, so we are going down for Christmas dinner.

Well, must get ready to take off again, so take care.

Till next time. . .


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