Saturday, January 03, 2009

Update on Max the dog

Max and his human parents made it back to the Rio Grande Valley today. Max is in the hospital and the vet said his wounds will take some time to heal, but he believes he will be okay.

His parents went home to sleep for 2 days.



Bob and Molly said...

Hi guys and Happy New Year to you! Congrats on your new grand-dog! The "pad" looks good, know you will enjoy it when it is all done.
Hope things get better with your hip soon...sounds like a tough go of it.
I think we've lost weight since we lost you guys in Indiana...go figure!
Hugs to both of you!

Dale said...

Good to hear from you two! I have been keeping track, though, on your blog. I am taking Mom to San Antonio today, leaving at 7 a.m. My two nieces got their yesterday with their families for a week’s vacation. She wanted to go, although it is 5 hours. Dad didn’t want to so I volunteered to take her. Coming back Tuesday.

Take care.


Alicia said...

Dale, good to hear Max is going to make it. We had to have our dog put down on New Years day and it is so hard to loose your best friend.
Sounds like you are doing good with the new pad. Hope to see you at the get together.

Dale said...

Alicia, so sorry to hear about your little dog. We love them just like kids, don't we?


Anonymous said...

So Glad to hear Max is gonna be ok. That must of been a terrible thing to witness! I looked a the picture of Max, and he reminded me of Barney our Border Collie. Really brought back the memories, he was such a good dog.

Love you guys!