We saw some that were quite spectacular, but not easy to photograph. We went on both the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park.

It is so easy to see why people love living here. The mountains are beautiful, rain or shine, but thankfully we had good sunny days. It has been cold, however, and we are quite anxious to get further south and into warmer weather. Last evening the kids came out to the motorhome for supper and brought Jericho, their standard poodle. Bailey immediately tried to nail him, so we put Bailey in the hall behind the gate. He really was quite happy there and could see us. When I eventually took down the gate, he stayed right where he was. Jericho and Neal got along fine, so we enjoyed an evening of food and fun.
We left Misty Mountain this morning and drove to Wytheville, Virginia, for the night. It was raining when we left and has steadily downpoured since arriving. There are some factory stores nearby, but I am not even interested in unhooking and driving over. Don't care much for shopping outside in the rain. We will leave here tomorrow and go to the Escapees park in Heiskell, Tennessee, for three days. Then on to Knoxville for the chassis service. We had planned on going to Gaffney, SC, for that, but when Terry called, they were booked up. So Terry checked around and found the service center in Knoxville and they had time to do the coach. From there it's on to Red Bay, Alabama, and get this slide fixed. It broke again on Terry and he had to fix it, but it is definitely out of time or something. Just a dreary day here, but we are doing fine.
Till next time. . .