Sunday, March 12, 2006

San Antonio Rocks!

Yesterday afternoon we took Patti and Mickey to San Antonio to see the Alamo. Man, oh, man. Talk about a crowd. No parking anywhere, every lot was full. I guess spring break is in full swing. (Note to self. . . must plan better when it comes to the working man's vacation schedule.) There was a long line outside the Alamo, so decided to try to find something else to do. Another place on the list was the El Mercado. We were able to find a "reasonable" parking spot for that and walked a block. I have no idea what they were celebrating, but we saw at least 4 bands in the 1-2 block area and they were really rockin'. Wow. (See if you can find Terry in the picture. I am totally obscured.)
Really good Mexican music. . . and the food. . . wow, the food smelled so good. But we were raisin to raisin walking through the area. We did stop at most of the shops and did a lot of browsing. There were so many people.

When we left there, we drove toward the camp and found a barbecue place to eat at. It was very good and we enjoyed a good meal.

I didn't take my camera with me this time, but because I had been to the Mercado twice before and had pictures. But I should have. Patti was smarter than me, so maybe I can pilfer some pix off her blog.

Till next time. . .


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