The Horseman's Saloon and Grill in Weslaco, Texas. What a great place. We joined about 20 other RV.netters last night around 4 because that is when the entertainment starts. Twelve-string Tim and Sharon. What a duo! And what a hoot! They played for 4 hours, taking only 2 short breaks.

The bar looks like a barn and inside there is a bar, tables and chairs, a dance floor and a stage.

We were greeted outside by 12-string Tim himself. He always looks on the web for hits to his website and his name and had been reading up on our thread about activities, etc., in the Rio Grande Valley. Talk about doing your homework. You get an A+ from the teacher, Tim. When we arrived he asked if we were with the RV.netters. What a surprise. I'm impressed. He handed us brochures and business cards and leis with their contact information on them. We chatted and got our picture taken with him. He has a website:
http://www.12stringtim.com/Inside we waited for most of the rest of our group before ordering. Then at 4, Tim and Sharon started their show. What a great time and great entertainers. Tim plays twelve-string guitar and Sharon accompanies on a synthesizer. In their repertoire, they must have thousands of songs including, pop, oldies, ballads, rock, parrothead songs, etc. They have something for everyone. And along with the songs,

Sharon dresses in character and engages the audience in lively participation. They take requests from the audience and

they played all our favorites, which included the Winter Texan Song. In fact, there is a sign hanging up that says, "Welcome Back, Winter Texans." Thanks 12-string Tim and Sharon for a great evening and exceptional entertainment. We plan on going back. Our only regret was that The Texan himself wasn't with us, having pulled out for Mexico earlier in the week. Oh well, there is always next year!
Now to bring you up to date on other matters. We haven't left the Valley yet and not quite sure when we will. My Dad has an aneurysm that needs to be repaired. It is not an emergency and we aren't sure when they will do the surgery. We are awaiting some new test results as it looks like they will be putting stents in the leg arteries as well. So we are waiting, waiting, waiting, on the medical community to let us know when this will happen. If it is before Christmas, we will stay and wait and make sure all is well before heading out. If they wait to do it after Christmas (and we will know by the 12th), we will go to Florida for the holidays with the kids, then come back to Texas.
In the meantime, we are just enjoying the fantastic weather of the RGV, the Rio Grande Valley. Warm, hot days, and cool nights. Just about perfect in my book. I have won $10 each of the last 2 weeks at Bingo! If I wasn't already retired, I would be tempted to quit work and just play Bingo. There is a game every night in one of the parks. I have finished up the inside shades for the motorhome front windshield. They really cut down on heat transferrence.
Till next time. . .