Sunday, July 05, 2015

Alone again. . . naturally!

The grandkids left on Wednesday. Sniff, sniff. I miss them already. I so enjoyed having them here and getting to include them in my day. . . and me in theirs. They are both sweet kids and I love them dearly. They made the trip back to Virginia in two days, so that was a little easier on Jocelyn, I'm sure. I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house because son Brandon and his family are to arrive this next week. I am so glad I went ahead and got most of it done then because I don't have it hanging over my head now. I finished it up on Thursday and later in the day we went back over to the motorhome at Elkhart Campground. Our friends Tab and Deanna were due into the camp in the afternoon and they got in about 3:30. They wanted to spend some time relaxing this weekend and I have to say that we all did that rather well.

The camp was really full this weekend and still there was a lot of movement in and out. We had campfires twice. It was warm during the days and got chillier during the evenings, so it was perfect for having a fire. But we have had so much rain here, over 4 inches in June, that we now have a healthy population of hungry mosquitoes. So as soon as it started getting dark, they were out looking for food and we were looking to go inside.

I did try out my new Butterfinger Pie on them. Tab and Deanna are "dessert connoisseurs" and I thought they would like it. It was a big hit! One of the relatives brought one to the family reunion and we all liked it, so I made one. It was very easy and was very good. Not at all good FOR us, but delicious nonetheless.

Today Tab and Deanna left for home in Ohio and we are once alone again. . . naturally.

Till next time. . .


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