When we left Houston, we followed I-10 into Louisiana. That normally is a very rough ride, but it was not as bad as it has been other times. We often will run up to Zachary, north of Baton Rouge to spend some time with Terry's cousin Gary and wife Jo. We would have loved to do that, but there has been a lot of rain here and we didn't know if driving into his yard is a good thing at this point! Also, we planned to see some other fulltiming folks we normally don't take time to see. We just can't see everybody every year. I keep reminding everyone that the big four reasons we head to Florida twice a year is Brandon, Megan, and Brynlee and Jax. Since we only get to see the kids a couple times a year, they take precedence over everyone else.

We thought this year we would stay in some different places and see some other things we haven't seen before. For that reason, we stopped in for a couple nights at Cajun Palms RV Resort, Henderson, Louisiana. This really is a resort, but this is the off season yet, so their three pools, swim up to the bar pool, and miniature golf, etc., were not open. That was okay with us. . . we intended to explore the area instead. But this park is beautiful. Double wide paved sites, long enough for us to park unhooked if we wanted. Full hookups for $33 a night with the Good Sam discount. It is more expensive later in the year, and for holiday weekends they jack up the price to $55 a night. But it was a great stop for us.

After dinner, we drove into the town of Breaux Bridge, which is

about five miles away. Breaux Bridge has. . . YOU GUESSED IT!!!!! A BRIDGE! In 1799, a man by the name of Breaux built a footbridge across the Bayou Teche
for his family and neighbors. This first
bridge was a suspension footbridge, likely made of rope and small
planks. It was stabilized by being tied to small pilings located at each
end of the bridge, as well as to a pair of huge live oak trees on both sides of the bayou.

When traveling directions were given, residents

would often instruct people to
"go to Breaux's bridge...", which eventually was adopted as the city's name. Now the bridge is actually a lift bridge across the bayou. The town is in the heart of Cajun country and is known as the Crawfish Capitol of the World.
We also went to Lafayette and stopped at the welcome center. We planned to go to one of the two historical towns, but instead went to a little museum that told the history of the Acadian people. It was quite interesting because I had some misconceived ideas about where the Cajuns came from. Many of them came from Nova Scotia where they were deported for being "French" and they were scattered down the eastern seaboard and into Louisiana, as well as some being sent back to Europe. It is a tragic story really. They have a unique culture and their food and music are two exemplifications of that.
We passed by several cemeteries while in the area.

They are so
different from the cemeteries up north. They are quite fascinating, I think.
Till next time. . .