is better than a good day at work. Right? Isn't that what they say? Well what about a good day at the lake . . . or two good days at the lake . . . or three GREAT days IN A ROW at the lake? Huh? What do you say about that? . . . I think I'm in heaven. . . and whew! Am I ever tired!

The rain cleared out last week and we got the boat back in the lake with a brand new starter. I did enjoy a couple of great days on the jet ski while we waited on the boat. Terry is not a big jet ski fan, so he sat on the deck at the dock and communed with other boaters and enjoyed the nice breeze coming off the lake.
One day Terry drove the boat and I road the jetski to Eastport dock which is about 12 miles from our camp. On the way back I

took some pictures of the boat in the water. We have so few pictures of it because we are always in it. Hah! So here are a couple shots. Then Terry decided to get some pictures of me on the jetski.

I guess I was too fast for him. . .
On other outings we went to the state dock which is so much different than it used to be. It now has a new store and new boat slips and some prime covered houseboat slips. There have been several docks on the lake that have improved their facilities over the years we have been coming here. We also went to Wisdom dock, Sulphur Creek and today we drove almost to the dam (30+ miles by water) and had lunch at Mitchell Creek. This dock was previously called Livingston Dock and has been completely updated with a new restaurant and store. We were trying to remember just how many years we have been coming here and we came up with 25 years. I think Brandon was about 3 or 4 when we started coming. We always camped at the state park which I understand has been improved as well, but now we stay at Obey River (pronounced ob-ie). The lake is beautiful and I have included several shots of it.
While we were putting the boat in the slip last evening, we heard a helicopter overhead. It

landed on the other side of the dock. We found out later that it belongs to a houseboat. It is a small, private helicopter and the landing pad is the roof of the houseboat. We decided we have found our new rig and toad! Hah!
Last evening we put up the jetski up and today after spending all morning and part of the afternoon we brought the boat back to the site and got it ready for the storage bay. Now both are snugly back in their home.

We are enjoying our last evening at the lake. We don't have to leave here too early because we are headed over to Nashville and another COE park, so check in is later in the afternoon and we don't want to get there too early.
We plan on making this a yearly trek. We arrive here on Monday, Memorial Day, and stay here enjoying the lake until it's time for the Pace-Stevens reunion in Mississippi.
Till next time. . .