Today was the annual

Ladies' Luncheon here at our park. It is always a well attended event. We all sign up to take mostly salads, finger

foods and desserts to share and then we have a short program. The theme for this year's event was the Fabulous Fifties and they encouraged you to dress up in 50's garb. Today we saw mostly poodle skirts and rolled up blue jeans and shirts with rolled up sleeves. It was great fun. Mom, Mom's friend Pat, and I all won door prizes.
The entertainment was a really BAD Elvis impersonator. It was really hilarious because he was so bad, but I'm sure he was cheap. The guy came out dressed in a white bejewelled jumpsuit.

He had just a few of Elvis' moves down and appeared to be a little unsure of whether or not he wanted to do them. On top of that, he was lip-syncing. . . not even karaoke. The music was really low, so most of the time, he just kind of stood up there swaying. Even his lip-syncing was unenthusiastic. Finally the photographer stepped up and adjusted the microphone so it would pick up the music better so we could hear. That certainly helped and people started singing along with their favorite Elvis tunes. Then the unthinkable happened. . . the recording skipped and stuck, repeating the same phrase over and over. Hahahahahaha. Well, Elvis didn't know what to do, so he just kind of swayed back and forth until the photographer once again stepped up. But, alas, there wasn't much of a fix as the recordings kept malfunctioning through the rest of the "performance."
At one point, the recording on one song just stopped, but that didn't stop the French Canadian women who picked up and finished the entire song. . . in pretty good form, too. Mom said, "Those French Canadians really seem to have a good time no matter where they are." I said yes and we could all take a lesson from them. I don't think they ever have a bad day.
The shelves in our cart shed are going in pretty well. Only a few more to go and the cart shed will be done. The golf cart is in there tonight plugged into the charger. We have a dedicated shelf for the charger so that all Dad has to do is drive it inside and plug it in.
The weather has been cooperating nicely the last couple days. High's in the 70's and lows in the high 50's. No rain today or in the forecast. Nice weather down here in south Texas.
Till next time. . .