Till next time. . .
This is the webspace of Terry and Dale Pace. We are retired and became "full-timers" in 2005. We live and travel in our motorhome. This space will allow our family and friends to keep up with our travels. Terry taught early in his career and Dale taught for 34 years, which gives us the name of our space, "Skool'z Out Forever!" Since Terry passed away in 2020, I have been traveling on my own, with my Scottish Terrier, Brendon. I live in Florida when not traveling. . . no longer fulltiming.
You didn't happen to mine, did you?
Not at all, that's why we came here, to watch the ships. They run through the channel without a sound. I thought we would be able to hear them, but we have to watch for them out the windows, then run out to take pictures! Haha.
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