We've spent the last week visiting with Brandon, Megan, Brynlee and Jax. Sorry I haven't posted, but we spend every day with the kids doing different things and when we get home it's usually late and I'm too tired to post. So I spent the week enjoying our time immensely and will just try to recap the week.
We stayed at Wickham Park again, which is now only about one-and-a-half miles from the kids since they have moved. We alternated with time spent at both their house and the motorhome. A couple mornings Brynlee and Megan came out to the playground at the park. We would meet them there. I am really impressed with Brynlee. She goes down the big slides by herself and can hold onto bars and pull her legs up. I think that's pretty good for 20 months!
On Saturday, Megan and Brandon went to a movie and we got to babysit. It's so hard with Brynlee. She just plays and plays and when you tell her it's time for bed, she walks into the bedroom. Change her pants, put her jammies on and put her in bed. That's it. . . no drama. She lays down, I turn the nightlight on and the sound machine and she goes to sleep. And it's like that every night. We babysat for her when the kids went to trivia night at Buffalo Wild Wings and it was the same scenario. She seems to be getting a little fussy from time to time, but she is cutting FOUR molars at the same time, so she's entitled to that. Tough gig for a wee one.

On Easter Sunday, Brandon and Megan hosted dinner. Megan's

Mom Diane made most of the meal, which was roast pork loin and twice baked potatoes. Megan contributed roasted vegetables and I brought a fruit plate. It was a very good dinner and we all had a good time. Diane and Percy played Easter bunny and organized an Easter egg hunt for the little ones, so Brynlee and her cousins Kerrigan and Kaiden all got in on the hunt!

We went to the zoo one day. That have a little water park for the little kids and we met her friend Pepper there. They put their swimsuits on and played in the water. They had a great time. It was really fun to watch. She and Pepper and best friends and it's fun to watch them interact.
It was pretty hot while we were there. It was in the 80's and Terry was complaining. Course he was complaining about the cold in Texas and now the heat. But it's not the heat so much as the humidity. That has been the hard part. We aren't used to that. It gets hot in Texas, but it's a "dry heat." Big difference. We had maybe one rain storm, but it was at night, so it didn't bother us much.

We went to "Tumbleweeds" a couple mornings with Megan and

Brynlee. It's kind of like "Gymboree" but a little more advanced. Brynlee really likes trying

all the bars, trampolines and balance beams out. She can walk across the beams really well. I was impressed!
We were not disappointed with wildlife sightings at Wickham Park this time. We normally see a lot of armadillos and we didn't see but one. That was late at night on

our way back into our camp. It was sauntering across the road. We stopped and waiting for it to cross. We have occasionally seen gopher tortoises there and they were out every day this time. They are pretty big. Their shells are contoured around their legs and head. They really don't like being around people, so it's hard to get a picture up close. I had to take their pictures with the zoom lens. They come out of the scrub and eat the grass. They are curious little animals.

Our last night there on Thursday night, Megan had a Mom's group get together, so we stayed at the house and "helped" Brandon watch Brynlee. He has really made me proud of the way he handles his father duties. He is a very good dad and Brynlee lights up every time she sees him. My son-in-law Tom is a great dad too. My grandchildren are really blessed to have not only great moms in their lives but also dads! This is a picture of Terry and Brandon. Love these two men!
Our time with them was too short, as it always is. But we will see them again. We leave Friday morning, the 10th, for Virginia to see the other kids/grandkids!
Till next time. . .