We haven't been staying at too many Indiana State Parks in recent years because they have raised their prices to actually make the cost prohibitive. A FHU site on the weekend is $40 a night plus an entrance fee. For us out of staters, that's an additional $9-10 depending on the park. Whew. What are they thinking? The price does drop for Sunday through Thursday, so we are waiting to go in on Sunday afternoon.
We called ahead to inquire about sites here at this camp since we had never been here before and were told to get here early. They said they didn't have any FHU sites for our rig, but plenty of spaces where we could grab 30A and water. That was fine with us because they were supposed to have nice showers, etc. And they are very nice, BUT. . . what makes these people who design these things think campers don't want privacy when they shower and dress? No thank you. That's why they stay so nice, no one uses them.
Well, we got here and the one attendant, obviously not the one who told us they had plenty of sites for us, said they had nothing we could fit on. Nada, nope, not one site big enough for us. Grrrrrr. We were contemplating our next move when she said. . . "Well, I could put you on the manager's site. He's not here yet and if you are leaving Sunday, that would work." Thank you very much. It's actually a FHU 50Amp site, so we are all set. The sites are all paved and it is nice here. Except for the rain. . . did I mention the rain? It's been raining since last evening and hasn't let up. It's been difficult to get the dogs out to do their business because it's been raining all day. We take them out during the lulls, but they don't want to get wet. I don't blame them. It's in the 50's so it's a bit chilly. But it's not windy, so we keep our awning out and we can stay dry under that. We are right on the banks of the White River here. It's not very wide at this point, but I'm keeping an eye on some markers on the far bank because I don't want to get caught up in a flood. It is supposed to let up later and not start again till tomorrow, but it's still coming down pretty good.
So it's been movie day and laying around napping day. A little bit of laundry, etc. Anything to pass the time.
Tomorrow we leave for Lafayette so we can take Butterscotch to the Purdue University small animal hospital where the chief researcher for TCC (bladder cancer) in Scotties can evaluate her. Praying for a good result and some answers.
Till next time. . .