Friday, February 09, 2007

Great Friends, great times!

Just finished having supper with Jeff and Sue. We first met them at the Escapade in Van Wert, Ohio, last fall. We have kept up email correspondence but just now connected again. We ate at "Souper Salad" which was really good. We enjoy that. I can really pig out and eat very few calories.
I am amazed at the amount of new construction there is around here. Everywhere new shopping centers are being built. Anything that is already built doesn't look older than 5 years or so. There are 20 WalMarts in Mesa alone. Wow. New roads pop up all the time that are not on the GPS. Kind of makes it hard to go anywhere. Usually you can plug in the address, but the roads are too new to show up. It's not hard getting around, because the roads are all laid out in a grid. New limited access highways make it easy to get around the city. It is really spread out.

Till next time. . .


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