I don't know why things happen when we are here. One time the garbage disposal bit the dust and spewed water, etc., into the cabinet. Terry installed a new one and we were good to go. This time I was trying to do dishes and didn't have any hot water. Brandon assured me it just takes awhile. I said, "Well, I let the water run for about 10 minutes and it isn't even getting warmer." So they got to checking and found out the thermocoupler was dead on the water heater. Who'dda thunk? So off to Lowe's they went and Terry installed it with Brandon's help. He now knows how to do it. So $7 later they have hot water again. Brandon commented that if they had not discovered that, his morning shower today would have been "invigorating." LOL To say the least.
I'm including more pix of Brynlee, since that is the main reason we are here!
Till next time. . .
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