The kids started getting their roof on yesterday. They had a tree fall on their house last week and damaged the overhang and decking, etc. It was bad timing, with the birth of Ronan imminent, but it definitely was a cloud with a silver lining. They needed a roof badly and the roof there was already two layers deep. The contractor who came and looked it over agreed with the adjuster that the only fix was a total new roof. The current roof has no vents either, so the new roof will have a ridge vent and a nice looking architectural shingle. They started yesterday but it rained all night, so they probably won't be doing much today. But they did get it covered good so they don't need to worry about water leaks.
We left the kids alone yesterday until Jocelyn called. Tom was really tired (heh, heh. . . could it be that new baby?) and wanted someone to take him to Sam's since he didn't have a card. So we went over and I held the baby to give Jocelyn a break and Tom and Terry went shopping. I found out he does not like wet or messiy diapers. . . he wants changed and he wants changed NOW! No matter, as Grandma is happpy to oblige. He is still just as cute as ever. They have to take him in this afternoon for a weigh in.
I have had a recurrence of the cellulitis in my leg. The doctor I saw in Florida only gave me meds for 7 days. I called my doctor in Indiana and he gave me an extension of the meds and then we have appointments in May, so he can check it then. It hasn't been real painful since I started treatment, but I do want to clear this infection up.

Till next time. . .