He began scouring the petfinder ads as we have always done rescue. There are so many animals out there that need homes and he was certain he would be able to find a suitable pet. He had already picked out a name, Jax. He found a dog, a

He applied to the Humane Society and he brought Jax home two days before Christmas. Jax and Brandon have a huge house to themselves and when it gets warmer, they will be swimming in the pool. Jax was on his good behavior when Brandon had friends over the other day. He did fall into the pool, but Brian coaxed him to the

Brandon has taken Jax to a friend's house where he can run and romp with their two dogs and he enjoys the time there. But he seems ready to jump in the car and head back home. He sleeps in Brandon's room on his own bed.

We are glad Brandon has found such a perfect match for him and Jax. Hopefully Jax will provide many years of companionship and comic relief!
Yesterday Terry wanted to go to the flea market at Donna, so we invited Mom and Dad to go along as well. We treated them to lunch at Gonzales Burgers in Donna. They are huge, probably half pound burgers, which are super good. The restaurant is a famous one to the Winter Texans and I read where the locals don't go much during the winter but pick up when the Winter Texans go home in the spring. It is a family restaurant and just exceptional food. We went to the flea market from there and picked up a couple items, but not what Terry was looking for. On the way home, we stopped at Home Depot so Terry could get the rake he wanted.
Last evening we were standing out on our new pad working on our solar lights when a car drove up and someone yelled something about looking for some hicks from Indiana. I couldn't have been more surprised! It was Tab and Deanna from Ohio along with mutual friends Ken and Kathy Adams. We knew they were in San Antonio and in fact, Terry had called and talked with Tab earlier in the day. They were on their way down here to the RGV when Terry called. Course, they didn't tell us that, they surprised us by showing up at our place! Hah. We grabbed chairs and sat out on the new pad when we started seeing some lightning. Then it got worse and there was a lot of thunder. We decided to move over under Mom and Dad's awning and the sky really opened up and the rain started pounding down on us. It was so noisy and the wind started blowing and we all started getting wet, so we had to move into the house. Mom and Dad went back to the motorhome to sit with Bailey and Neal, which was a good thing because they get a little worried during storms. We all sat and talked for awhile and enjoyed the get-together while the storm continued outside. Eventually the storm died out and our friends went on their way. We plan to get together again before they leave the Valley, so that will be fun. We are looking forward to it.
Till next time. . .