Max is a blue and gold Macaw. She is living with her humans in the fifth wheel behind us. I had seen her before but had never been properly introduced. I had worried about her because her humans have been spending a lot of time in the E.R. and the hospital. But the mom comes at least once a day to tend to her. She gets mad at being left alone and upsets her food dish. I told her humans I would help any way that I could if they had more problems, but I think they are doing fine now.
Max was rescued by her humans from an abusive situation and they were not able to handle her because she would bite. The had to use a welder's glove to hold her and she seemed to respect that. Over the years of good and better treatment, she is now easier to manage. Her mom had a little trouble getting her to sit on her arm so I could take the picture because she feared they were going to put her back inside and she wanted to sit outside in the sunshine. Max is 32 years old and will soon celebrate her 33 birthday. She is beautiful, but because of her abusive past, she tends to pull out her tail feathers, so she doesn't have any long ones. I didn't try to touch her because she isn't trustworthy with strangers, but that's okay. She wouldn't talk to me until I turned to walk away, then she talked. Hahaha!
And, today I met Fig. . .
I have a special place in my heart for Scottish Terriers. It takes a
Till next time. . .
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