We can see light at the end of the tunnel. First off, all the extra doctors I had to see because of my "dry eyes/dry mouth" complaint have decided my problem stems from the medication I started taking for acid reflux and the natural course of aging, which is what I said all along. All the blood work I had done returned negative reports for things like lupus, RA, etc. The only finding was arthritis in my hip and that is not new. That has been a problem for years and the rheumatologist injected my hip making our trip to Alaska much more pleasurable for me. The last item to take care of is our final dental appointment next Tuesday. Whew. Will be glad to get all that behind us.
A few days ago we washed Phaeton Place thoroughly and fought to keep the birds from building nests again in the closed slide toppers. While we were washing one side, they were rebuilding in the other. Grrrr. We had bought some "pool noodles" and cut pieces from them and stuffed in the ends. That seemed to stop it. Never had a problem with this before. Normally they build in the engine compartment. Wednesday night while we were unloading stuff we might need from PP, we heard a really loud guttural sound. It's the sound we normally hear from the occasional sandhill crane flying overhead, but this sounded like it was coming from the garage. We searched and searched and even though the sound would occasionally appear, we could not find the source. We looked on the roof of the motorhome and house, I searched around back, etc., but never found it. We were about ready to stop for the night when we heard it again and determined it was coming from underneath the motorhome. The belly of PP is enclosed, but the engine compartment is exposed and something could conceivably crawl up on top of the engine. We really didn't want a bird up there, but the crane is a very large bird and we could see no evidence of it anywhere. I was laying on the pavement with a flashlight trying to see underneath when the noise returned and I quickly caught my eye on the perpetrator. Can you believe it wa
Yesterday brought the promise of rain, so we wanted to get PP into storage before the rain ruined her freshly washed exterior, so we went back through, pulling out stuff we knew we needed. We piled it all in the spare room in the house and will go through it as we can, but we succeeded in getting it all out of the motorhome. We then closed her up and drove her over to the storage warehouse. She will sleep in air conditioning all summer while we are gone to Alaska. Back at the house, we continued to work on MinnieMee all day, arranging and re-arranging items in the compartments. We don't have much inside storage for "outside items" so Terry bought a trunk
The little truck is still in the shop. It went in Monday for front end work and will probably be ready Monday. Had to order a lot of parts, i.e., front hub, wheel bearings, upper and lower ball joints, steering column bushings, etc. Oh, and we met a neighbor over in the other subdivision the other day. When we bought MinnieMee, we only had one set of coach door keys. Ignition keys would get us into the front and thus into the coach, but that was cumbersome. We knew there was a locksmith a few streets over and we went looking. His garage door was up and his "locksmith" van was in the garage so we stopped. He made all the keys we wanted (8 total) and wanted to charge us only $5. We insisted on $10 because we had not been able to get the locks made anywhere. All 8 work beautifully and now we have extras. It's time for me to get busy now and get something done.
Till next time. . .
Are you guys taking a trip?
You might say that, Tab. . . LOL
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