Sunday, July 28, 2024

Blarney Castle

 July 28, 2024

Today was our first excursion. We set an alarm to get up at six, got ready and our breakfast was here at 6:30. We ordered breakfast sandwiches and coffee which was just right. We left to get to our station at 7:20.

We boarded tour buses in groups and we were one of the first groups. As soon as we were all in our seats, we headed off to Blarney Castle. We arrived there by 9:30, so we had two hours to tour the grounds and see what we wanted to see. 

We started with a walk up to Blarney Castle, home of the famous Blarney Stone which  a lot of people want to kiss. We were probably the first group to arrive, so we could have done that; but Sharon nor I had any desire to kiss the Blarney Stone which is said to bestow the “gift of gab” which neither one of us needs. LOL We walked around the outside of the castle and took our pictures next to the piper. Strolling along we saw the dungeons which were closed due to it being a habitat for the horseshoe bat. ‘Nuff said. Then we saw the Badgers’ Caves which were passageways used to evacuate the castle when it was being attacked. Victors would race in, intending to kill or take prisoners, only to find no one there.

As we were walking through the woodlands toward the Carnivorous Gardens, Sharon tripped and fell on the steps, which were dirt with wire on top. I heard something and when I looked back, Sharon was sprawled out and I was terrified she was badly hurt. But she wasn’t. She sat up and a very kind man behind us came to her aid. After a minute or two, he and I lifted her up. She had dirt on her face where she had smacked the ground and later I saw where she had a good size goose egg above her eye at the end of her eyebrow. When we got home she put ice on it.

We continued on to the Carnivorous Gardens which was interesting. Just past that, though, was the Poison Gardens and that was full of poisonous plants. Some plants have poisonous seeds and on others, everything about the plant was deadly. We took pictures, but didn’t sample anything! 

We continued on around the grounds and went to the Coach House and Stable gift shop. It was interesting and we bought some water. One section had been the stables with stalls and the stalls were all still intact, but had tables set up in the individual stalls for eating. Once we were refreshed, we walked out to the Blarney Woolen Mills and a large shop. There was so much to see, but we didn’t have much time to shop. That would be my biggest complaint with excursions. We just don’t have much time to visit the site, then do a little shopping.

We soon boarded the bus and made it back to the ship. We dropped our stuff at the room and went to lunch at the buffet. Now we are in the room and Sharon has iced down her eye. She said it doesn’t hurt but it looks nasty.

Later we went up to the Sky Walk and walked along the glass floor, which was eery.  We had an ice cream cone and then went back to the room and sat in the sun on the balcony. It felt really warm here in the sun, and we did have very nice weather today; but we were told many times that this was not the norm. Tomorrow is supposed to be another similar sunny day in Dublin. Hopefully it will be.

We went to dinner at our usual 5:20 time and Pam and Carol were going to arrive late after their excursion; but as luck would have it, they were just a few minutes behind us. So we again enjoyed a lovely dinner with the same waiters and servers we have every night. They are most pleasant and have all learned our names.

After dinner, Sharon went for a scheduled massage and I went to the theater with the other gals to watch a magic/music show. It was good, but not my favorite in entertainment; and, unfortunately, his act included balloons. Not good for someone with globaphobia.

We started sailing to Dublin while we were at dinner and we should arrive early tomorrow morning in time for us to disembark on the day’s excursions.

Till next time. . . 


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