Thursday, July 25, 2024

British Isles Trip, July/August 2024

I have been busy packing for the trip to Europe next week. A flight on Monday will take me to Norfolk, Virginia, where Tom will pick me up from the airport. I got in shortly before 11 a.m. Tom, Sharon and I visited that day and I helped Sharon pack. Tuesday we spent running some errands and in the evening we went to a birthday party for the daughter of friends of Tom and Sharon.

Wednesday morning at 11 a.m., Carol and Pam picked Sharon and I up at the house and we drove FOUR hours to Dulles airport. Actually we parked the car at the Fairfield Inn where we plan to spend the night when we return in 12 days. We walked next door to the Cracker Barrel for dinner. Afterwards, with luggage in tow, we waited on the airport shuttle which was soon there. It was mid-afternoon, having planned to get there early as you never know what problems you may run into.

We got to the airport and checked in and sent our big luggage on its way. Then we passed through security, which was a bit tedious, but it helped that we had Global Entry/TSA precheck. Then we walked and took the train out to our gate. We learned on the way there that our flight had been delayed an hour. The plane actually did get there but it took them about an hour to clean it for the new passengers. It was an Omnibus with and upper and main decks. We were on the main deck. 

We started boarding just before 11 p.m. and we were leaving the gate at midnight. I had planned on sleeping as I was dead tired, but that was not to be. The seats were really cramped. They had TV screens in the back of the seats in front of us, but when the people in front of us pushed their seats back, the screens were too close for us to really see much. We could listen to music. Shortly after takeoff, they came around with snacks and drinks. Then at 1:30 a.m., they served us a meal. Not much to write home about and I really didn’t think a meal at that time was necessary. I didn’t eat much of it. It was a 6 hour flight and when we were about 45 minutes from landing, they came around with bacon sandwiches. The bacon was decent, but the roll around it was awful. More drinks as well.

We deplaned at about 6:30 USA time, but about 11:30 a.m. their time. We passed through immigration which was a breeze. . . Just had to scan your passport. But we did walk about a mile and a half, plus rode a train to get to the front of the airport. We finally found the representative for Princess Cruises who loaded our luggage and drove us the LONG way to our hotel. I don’t know if he didn’t know where it was or what the problem was but we must have taken about every street in London to get here. We passed the London Eye, the Chard, Parliament, Big Ben, etc., but all a bit far away to get good pictures. We drove across Tower Bridge and could see the Tower of London, but again, it was fleeting.

We arrived at our hotel, the Tower Bridge Leonardo, finally and got checked in. We went to the dining room and had a bite of lunch till our rooms were ready, then moved our stuff in. Sharon and I laid down for a bit as we didn’t get any sleep on the plane. But we didn’t get any sleep then either. We met up with Carol and Pam at 6 p.m. and walked to Jack the Chipper’s (fish and chips) for dinner. It is on White Chapel road, which is the road Jack the Ripper was famous for. We walked back home and we are ready for bed. In the morning after breakfast here we will board a motorcoach along with 200+ other people staying here and drive the couple hours to Southampton, where we board the Regal Princess for our 12 day cruise of the British Isles. More later!

Till next time. . .


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