Monday, July 29, 2024


 July 29, 2024

Today we met in the theater at 7:30 and were quickly moved to the water shuttle which took us into the port at Dublin. We boarded a bus and drove through Dublin with our guide pointing out landmarks along the way as well as providing us some history. We passed through several neighborhoods before arriving in the town. 

We made one stop for pictures of some buildings. We also saw a monument/statue to Oscar Wilde. We also saw his boyhood home. The guide here and the guide in Cork provided a bit of history about Ireland’s war for independence. It was quite interesting and I plan to read up more about that. 

We made a stop at St. Patrick’s Cathedral which is the largest cathedral in the city. It is an Anglican Church and  only about 3-4% of the population is Anglican. It was quite beautiful and we got a few minutes to look around and take pictures before we met back at the bus.

We again were treated to a scenic drive around the city. Personally I don’t know how those bus drivers negotiate the large buses on the narrow city streets, but they manage. We stopped at a shopping district and had planned to have about an hour, but ended up with about 40 minutes. I don’t think enough time is planned for shopping. It’s just hard to browse and make selections without having time to think!

Our bus took us back to the tender which took us out to the ship. We went to the buffet and had a light bite of lunch. I am eating way more food than I usually do, so I am going to start cutting back. I will feel better I am sure.

We went back to our room and rested up a bit. Sharon is still feeling stiff from her fall yesterday, so we just relaxed. The other gals got back soon after that and they rested as well. Later we all went to dinner. We have reservations at the same time every night and we have the same table with the same waiters. They have been very nice and we all know each other’s names. They work to make dining a very pleasant experience.

After dinner we all walked down to the theater where we watched a production of Mo-Town hits. The singers are very good and they have some choreographed dance routines that are fun to watch and entertaining.

We are once again sailing enroute to Holyhead. Our meetup time tomorrow morning is a half hour later than we have been meeting, so we won’t be rushed in the morning.

Till next time. . .


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