Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Holyhead, Wales and Penrhyn Castle

 July 30, 2024

Today when we got up, we were almost to Holyhead, Wales, where we anchored out in the harbor. We were one of two cruise ships, which our guide told us only happens once a year. There were two ferries, which operate in/out during the day.

We again used the water shuttles/tenders to leave the ship and get to shore. They are really the lifeboats and the seats are hard, but they are enclosed; and the ride is generally short.

Once in the port, we boarded our bus and were treated to a narrated tour of the countryside on our way to Penrhyn Castle. The castle is really not a castle in the traditional sense of the word. . . It was built by a Baron in the design of a castle, but actually functioned as a manor house. The house looks like a castle, with all the accoutrements of traditional castles. It was beautiful with elegant doors, stunning woodwork, slate and limestone work. The grand staircase took ten years to build. The family made their money in slate which was mined from a nearby mountain. They became extremely wealthy and so the Baron built this magnificent home. Our guide said subsequent generations squandered the family money away and now the house is in the National Trust. He did comment that the family still lives locally.

We were taken into the castle in a group, but then left to explore it on our own. There were docents around the home to provide information about the home and furnishings. And it was self-guiding. We got to see quite a lot of the house. . .more than other historic homes I’ve been in and it was fun to explore. We went up the staircase which was magnificent. You go up in one area and come down around the corner. The posts around the staircase were very ornate. Upstairs were the bedrooms of those living in the castle. It is in remarkable condition with original furnishings. The castle was built between 1820-1833, so it’s not as old as the castles built as fortresses to protect the aristocracy from invaders. But it was still an exceptional property to view. The grounds were spectacular as well and locals drive up daily apparently, bringing their families and picnicking on the grounds while their children play. It was very peaceful and serene. The weather was very cooperative. Course, this Florida gal was prepared, having researched the weather history. It never made it out of the 60’s, so I had on heavier weight slacks, a top, sweater and my jacket. At one point in the house I took off my jacket, but put it back on when we stepped outside again. Fortunately, it did not rain! We had about an hour and a half to explore and we even had time to sit in the cafe and have a spot of tea and half a sandwich. A lovely day.

We had about a 45-minute ride back to the dock and boarded a tender once again for the ride out to the ship. I am impressed that the shuttle system works so well. I thought it might not be as efficient getting groups together and out to the tenders and then getting back on. But it has worked remarkably well.

Once back on the boat, we returned to our room to shed our jackets and then went to the International Cafe. We enjoyed a small dessert while we relaxed, then we came back to the room. I sat on the balcony for awhile and Sharon put her feet up. She broke her ankle years ago and it tends to swell a bit when walking a lot. But all is good.

We went down to dinner at our usual time; but our friends weren’t back from their excursion, which ended up running about an hour late. We enjoyed a pre-dinner drink and after about 20 minutes we had to order. But it’s a four-course dinner so we kinda drug out the different dishes and we soon got a text that our friends were on their way. We asked that our main course be delayed until our friends were ready and it worked out great. The staff was very accommodating even though we finished up a bit later than usual. The other girls were very tired from their long day so we all decided to make it an early night and we are once again ready and in bed by 9 p.m. 

Tonight we will be sailing on to Glasgow. Tomorrow we have an all-day event around Glasgow. We will be in coaches and ferries  and are supposed to have some free time.  So it will be a long day and our dinner will be later tomorrow night. 

Till next time. . .


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