Sunday, August 11, 2024

Flight Home from Norfolk. . . And finally home!

 August 11, 2024

Well, I got sicker overnight and became absolutely miserable. With Covid a possibility, I didn’t go to Mass with Sharon. I certainly didn’t want to infect anyone. Tom fixed us breakfast at home.

I got everything packed and rearranged so my luggage wasn’t too heavy. But I think I will learn to pack with less and not stuff my suitcase. I had bought a larger suitcase for the trip and I did use everything I packed, but it was difficult to manage a 30” suitcase, a purse, and a carryon. Sticking with smaller stuff after this.

We left around 12:30 to go to the airport. My flight was to leave at 3:30. Sharon dropped me off and I trudged through the airport to my gate. I was surprised to see that the reception area for my flight was already packed and it was more than 2 hours before the flight was to take off. So I wandered down and found some empty seats at a closed gate so I could be comfortable. At this point, I was pretty sick and coughing and sniffling a lot. I was miserable. 

We finally got boarded and as I sat down, they announced our departure would be delayed for one hour due to weather in Orlando. Typical. Also, the jerk in front of me decided to rail on the flight steward who was doing his job and attempted to explain to the man that since he was sitting in an evacuation slot, it was his responsibility to open the emergency exit in the event of a unscheduled landing. The man was hearing nothing of it and told the steward to mind his own business and just do his job, which is exactly what he was trying to do. Other people who were being held up tried to explain to the man and he told them to shut up and mind their own business. Such entitlement. He should have been removed from the airplane. Then he got on his phone and called and told anyone who would listen how he had been “disrespected.” No sir, you were the one doing the disrespecting. Upon exiting the cabin, I handed my card to the steward and told him if he had any repercussions from that man I would vouch for him. He thanked me.

Finally after the hour delay, we did get off the ground and on our way to Orlando. It was a very bumpy ride, the most turbulence I have ever experienced on a flight, but we made it.

I got to the baggage claim and to the car rental area and got my car instructions. When I got through the garage to where my car was parked, the jerk who parked the one next to it parked with only about six inches (YES SIX INCHES) between the cars. I put my luggage in the back seat on the other side as I couldn’t open the back hatch cause I couldn’t get into the driver’s seat to release the latch. I was prepared to climb over the passenger side when I saw an Avis employee walking down the lane. I stopped her and showed her what I was up against. She couldn’t believe it as it normally would be an employee who parks the cars there in the garage. But she said she would back it out for me. And she did. . . I helped direct her and we got the job done.

I am familiar enough now with the Orlando airport that I got out and away in good measure and ended up home about 8:30 p.m. Since I was quite ill, Monica decided she would bring Brendon to me along with all his “stuff.” He was happy to see me and I was happy to see him.

I didn’t bother unpacking at all. . . In fact, I didn’t for a couple more days. But I am home. . . That’s what matters.

Till next time. . .


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