Sunday, August 04, 2024

Sea Day #3

 August 4, 2024

We had a sea day today, so we got to sleep in. Course, I was awake by 5 a.m., but I did do some reading, etc. We got up around 7 and got dressed and went to the buffet for breakfast. It was good as usual and we enjoyed watching our passage through a large wind farm right out in the ocean. There did seem to be some boats in/around the wind turbines. . . they may have been service boats of some kind, but we were too far away to notice what they were doing, if anything. It was eerie seeing them in the fog, but so spectacular as well.

We met up with our friends at the theater and watched a culinary show. The head chef for the ship demonstrated the making of three different dishes. He did each individually in about 15 minutes each. Course, all the ingredients were premeasured so he just had to assemble and cook everything. The head of the restaurants provided some comic relief and it was funny and informative. Our one waiter we have every night was there to help pick up and clean up as the chef transitioned to the next dish. They had quite a set on the stage, complete with an induction counter and everything necessary to prepare the food. It was quite a production and very enjoyable. After we watched the show, we were led to the other end of the boat to one of the kitchens/galleys and saw some of the employees getting food ready for the day’s meals. The galley was very large with several “rooms.” But each dining room has its own kitchen, so there are several on board. The one we went to sits between two dining rooms, and it is the largest. There are over 300 food service employees. It’s astounding how many people the ship employs to serve 4,000 guests.

We explored the ship a bit, then returned to our room. We decided our lunch would be a snack since we were expecting a large dinner later. We went up to the upper deck and had a slice of pizza which was very good.

We met up with the other gals in one of the dining rooms and played cards, Hand and Foot. They allow guests to use the larger tables for games when they are not serving food. 

Dinner this evening was great again. I am going to have to quit eating once I get home. Sharon and I are only eating breakfast and dinner, with a snack in between, but I seem to still be eating too much. Tonight was a special menu with tenderloin and lobster. It was good, but I ate only about half of it. 

Afterwards I came back to the room and tried to organize my suitcase a bit. I’ve bought some things and I want to make sure everything fits and is not overweight. It may be a lost cause. 

Docking will be early morning at Portland, England, but we do not have any excursions. We did not see anything we liked. So we will spend the day on the boat. Cards may be in our future.

Till next time. . .


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