Monday, August 05, 2024

Portland, England

 August 5, 2024

Today we chose to stay in port. I would have liked to go out and explore a bit. . . Shuttles were available to take us to Portland or Weymouth, but no one else in our group wanted to go.

We met in the dining room for breakfast about 8:15 and ate and visited, enjoying a leisurely meal.  Afterward we returned to our room and relaxed.

The other girls went to lunch, but Sharon and I don’t eat three meals a day. We chose a snack later while we were playing cards. We are able to order what we want and it is delivered to us wherever we are. We played Hand and Foot for a couple hours. . . I feel like I am done with that game. I really don’t like it and I would have liked to explore the ship a bit. I did finally get to walk to the other side of the ship and look at the port. Our stateroom is on the other side, so I was curious what the port looked like. 

The next two days are going to be brutal with full day excursions. Tomorrow we are going to Mont Saint Michel off the coast of France. It is three hours by coach from where we dock in LeHavre, France, and three hours back. So that by itself will be grueling, but we are hoping to enjoy the tour of the monastery. Plus there is a time change thrown in there. And then on Wednesday, we disembark from the ship for the last time, go to Stonehenge and are returned later in the day to Heathrow Airport where we fly out at 5:30 p.m.

We decided to “practice” packing today. Actually we’re pretty much packed up. We have to set our bags out tomorrow night and they take them off the ship for us in Southampton. I was worried I would be overweight, but I am good. So I will rest easy. I got out my clothes for the remaining days and packed everything else. I can’t wait to get home. A hurricane has hit Florida while I was gone (today actually) and we got about 8 inches of rain in the trailerhood. But my house is good and our power is still on. Blessings for sure.

We have dinner today and may go to the show in the theater, then back to the room.

Till next time . . .


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