Monday, May 01, 2006

Goshen, Indiana

Last week we headed down to central Indiana and Terry touched base with his doctors. He is doing really well and had a very good winter. They all concurred and since he is back in the area temporarily, they have decided to change some of his meds. We really hate to do this because he has adjusted so well to his meds, but they want to change the one to reduce any potential side effects, so we are giving it a try. So far, Terry is continuing to do well, although at times he gets a little tired.

We have been busy doing little things around the house here. The kitchen faucets were leaking and needed attention. That is done. The deck is getting some remodeling. . . . very simple. . . removing some boards, etc., to make a path for the dogs to get down to their newly fenced yard area. Terry has to build a ramp for Neal, our handicapped Scottie, so he can get up and down. Yesterday there was a bunny in their new yard who couldn't get out and I had to run out and open the door to release it. Bailey is still mad at me for that. He wanted to have a go at the bunny.

Jocelyn is here and she will at some point be driving back to Virginia, but we are enjoying her. She is going through some of the boxes in the basement and throwing a bunch of stuff away. Yay! I need to join her down there maybe tomorrow and start getting some stuff put away.

I really don't like being here. My motorhome is sitting in the drive and I don't like that. . . I want to be gone. But we are leaving in another week and heading south again. . . to see Brandon who is flying in for a wedding and then on to Memphis and my acupuncturist, then Mississippi for the family reunion.

Till next time. . .


1 comment:

Janice and Dean said...

Hey Dale!

Good to hear more "good" news about Terry. Hope to see you somewhere on the road.
