Every day we were in Florida, we tried to do something different. Both Brandon and Megan had to work, so we kept busy. Early in our stay, we gathered wedding packets for the kids to look at. They haven't a date yet, but they are thinking September next year. They have to check with a couple venues to see if the date they want is available. I wish we could have stayed and helped with some stuff, but they will get it done. The big thing is getting a date, then they can start contacting vendors.

We continue to walk on the beach every morning. One day we saw this little guy. He is a ghost crab and he certainly didn't want to see us nor let us get

close. He was quite comical because when the water would come up and cover him, you could only see his eyes sticking up. Really odd little creatures.
One day we drove up to Cocoa Beach. We actually have been there a couple times since we got here, but this time we went to a swimsuit shop. I have not had any luck finding a swimsuit, and I found an ad for a shop up there. Luck was with me because I found two swimsuits that fit me and that I liked. Terry spent the time reading.

Another day we went down to Sebastian Inlet State Park. This park I have posted about before and I have posted pictures as well, but

it is a beautiful spot.

The fishing must have been good because the jetty pier was filled with fishermen. We watched as one man landed a yellow tail and another brought a ray up on the deck. The ray, while rather small, had a very long tail with a very long barb on the end. The fisherman was apparently familiar with these interesting creatures. He retrieved pliers out of his tackle box and stepped on the tail while he tried to remove the hook from the ray. Unfortunately, the hook was too deep, so the line was cut. The little ray really knew how to whip that tail, so the man gently pushed him over the side of the pier and he splashed into the water to swim another day.
As you know, the shuttle has been delayed until Monday, this time due to a fuel leak. Since we wanted to get to Texas and get some things done at our lot there, we decided we weren't going to wait any longer. If it doesn't fly Monday, it will be another month before there is another window and they weren't that confident Monday was going to work. We decided to hit the road. We got a late start, so it was 5 o'clock before we got to our campground. That is late for us. We are in a very nice camp next to a new convenience store where we were able to fuel the motorhome. That gal running the store is a real hoot. While I was in there paying for fuel, she yelled at one of the other employees and said, "I hear Gary is stealing corn again. . . looks like I'm gonna' have to get my gun and shoot somebody." Hahaha. The rules for the campground tell campers that they are to clean "game" in the designated areas only and not to dump the entrails and carcasses in the dumpster but carry it back to the woods and bury it. This should be an interesting night.
Till next time. . .