Last Tuesday, the 14th of December, we flew to Indianapolis from McAllen. On Wednesday we checked in with Terry's cardiologists in Indy, then drove on up to Goshen. We stayed at the

storage condo for a couple nights and checked in with our manager, then went on to La Porte. That is where we attended the wedding of our nephew, Brad and his bride Nicole. La Porte made the national news just a few days before with record snowfall that resulted in 80 travelers being marooned on SR 2 due to the blowing and drifting snow, aka, blizzard conditions. Fortunately when we arrived there on Friday, the roads were clear and the entire time we were in Indiana the roads were clear. Thank goodness for that.

At the hotel we caught up with Mom and Dad and as the afternoon rolled on, other friends and relatives arrived. It sure was great to see them all and to get to visit with them. This picture is my sister and I and Mom and Dad. Brandon and Megan arrived with another wedding party attendant. Their wedding will probably be in September, but nothing definite has been set. We all kept our room doors ajar so we could run between them and visit. We attended the rehearsal and dinner afterwards and enjoyed the buffet that was laid out for us.

Saturday was the wedding at 4:30, so we had the day to get ready. Nita did a lot of running around and was her “super” self at getting everyone taken care of. The biggest malfunction occurred when son Brandon put on his suit jacket for the wedding. He was one of the groomsmen and, wouldn't you know, the store failed to remove the security tag. You know, those big white clunkers that spray ink everywhere if you try to remove it! Grrrr. He had exchanged the jacket for a smaller one just the week before and the clerk had put it in the bag and tied it all up for Brandon. Nothing happened as he went out the store and he was none the wiser. So, what's a person to do? We searched the internet on how to remove one safely, but no one had a Dremel tool in their suitcase. The desk clerk called a tux shop in town, but they didn't have the tool. She called the manager at Wally

World and they said they would remove it, but Brandon and the guys didn't think they had time to go there. So the desk clerk found a piece of black cloth and I used safety pins to cover it. Luckily the venue was dark and I don't think one person even noticed. Brad, the groom, thought it was funny. At least with the dark colored suits, it was not noticeable in any of the pictures. Hah.

The wedding was a great time. We got to sit at a table with my

nieces and their husbands, Staci and Kevin and Michelle and Rod. It was great to visit with them. We don't get to see them enough when we are in the area, so it was good to catch up with them and their families.
Sunday after the wedding, we drove back to the Indy airport with Brandon and Megan. We had a room for the night, but they had to catch an evening flight back to Orlando. So we found a Japanese steakhouse for supper. Megan ordered the sushi and it turns out she was the only smart one in the group. The rest of us ended up with food poisoning. It started to hit us about the same time, 7:30 p.m. Monday night. Brandon is pretty much back to normal now as is Terry, but for some reason, it is lingering with me. The food actually was good and nothing tasted suspicious. Terry said there may have been something on the grill or in the oil/seasonings they used, because we were sick, sick, sick. Fortunately it waited until we were well back to Texas and back home before it hit.
Mom and Dad arrived late yesterday afternoon. They love the new tile in their place. It does look good and they are very pleased with the way it turned out. We are glad they like it. We got them all unpacked. Mom had an unfortunate mishap and scraped her arm up pretty good. Her skin on her arms is very thin and it just peeled back. We dressed it, but I was glad this morning when she thought she should have the doctor look at it. The doctor cleaned it and gave them instructions for cleaning it daily and then said the dressing they were using was good. So she feels better. We all went to the hall tonight to eat “breakfast.” Since Christmas and New Year's are both on Saturday, the hall will not be putting on breakfasts on those days. Since the meals are fund raisers for the park, they decided to have them another time so people could still come and enjoy. I couldn't eat very much, but I was able to eat a little. Everybody is glad to see Mom and Dad finally.
We will be here through the weekend, then Monday we have to go back to Houston. Don't know how long we will be there, but it may be a long haul.
Till next time. . .